Re: [sig-policy] Fwd: Re: [nznog] Prop 94
> which at most will afford maybe a month of extra allocation time. If
> you are an organisation and have not made steps to lessen your
> reliance on additional IPv4 allocations, then I doubt there is any
> possible proposal which will save you a significant amount of
> implementation pain.
i would support a proposal to have no more ipv4 policy proposals. i
suspect others would as well. ipv4 policy proposal run-out!!!
> The more we can do to encourage people to adopt IPv6 and ease there
> reliance on large IPv4 allocations the better. Dolling IPv4 addresses
> out in ever smaller amounts to people who refuse to adopt IPv6 just
> seems like we're drip-feeding an unhealthy addiction.
my vision of the smll allocations of the final /8 policy is, as andy
said, to allow v6-only or dual-stacked end sites to front onto the
dual-stacked backbones.