On 2/02/11 12:02 PM, Andy Linton wrote:
We should all look at the proposals and ask ourselves what we can realistically achieve together rather than try to cover all the little corner cases. Proposals that seek to try to prolong the agony continue to send a mixed message we should avoid. We are at a crossroads. The last five /8s will be allocated this week to each of the RIRs and by the time we meet again at APNIC 32 we'll be allocating addresses from those blocks. We need to provide clear leadership to our wider community that says the old order has finished and the way ahead is to add IPv6 and run a dual stack environment.
I agree with Andy here.There seem to be a large number of proposals discussing corner cases which at most will afford maybe a month of extra allocation time. If you are an organisation and have not made steps to lessen your reliance on additional IPv4 allocations, then I doubt there is any possible proposal which will save you a significant amount of implementation pain.
The more we can do to encourage people to adopt IPv6 and ease there reliance on large IPv4 allocations the better. Dolling IPv4 addresses out in ever smaller amounts to people who refuse to adopt IPv6 just seems like we're drip-feeding an unhealthy addiction.
Regards, Dean