It's probably a bit early for solution proposal. I'm not seeing a concise statement of the problem that everyone agrees on.
I'm seeing people saying that there *may* be problems and that rather than dismissing this proposal we should consider what they might be. I think that's a valid thing to do.
If I had a crystal ball. What it would tell be is that while this proposal has given people a jolt to look at the PDP, it has very little chance of actually being adopted as it stands.
I see three ways forward.
1/ we do nothing and the proposal fails to get consensus in Cambodia.
2/ we activley discuss what the problems with the PDP might be on this list and once agreed look for solutions.
3/ we do the same thing in a working group and add 6 months minimum to the process.
Anything I've missed?
If not then lets start developing a problem statement that people agree on