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Hi everyone! We are working on a project to improve the APNIC website to make the content more accessible. We would like to invite you to complete an activity that will help improve the navigation of the website. To participate, please choose one of these options: Option 1) Do the activity online by yourself. This will take 10 minutes and you will enter a draw for a $100 online voucher once you complete it. Participate now: https://pqcekusf.optimalworkshop.com/optimalsort/dp87dt1a Option 2) Do the activity with myself via Zoom which will take around 20 minutes. You will perform the online activity, and then I will ask you some questions. You will receive a $25 online voucher for your time. Book your time now: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/APNICUserResearch@apnic.onmicroso... Thank you so much for your participation. Kind regards, Raquel, UX Researcher