Re: [sig-policy] prop-083: Alternative criteria for subsequentIPv6 alloc
> alternative criteria, account holders must:
> - Be a current APNIC account holder with an existing IPv6
> allocation
> - Be announcing its existing IPv6 allocation
> - Demonstrate that the LIR has additional networks that are not
> connected to the network announcing its existing IPv6 allocation
We can understand the needs for a seperate globally routable prefix, but
feel we should consider this proposal in balance with the consumption of
the /32s.
I think some data would be helpful to give us an idea and make up our
mind - Skeeve/anyone has any data about this?
For example, in case of Japan, JPNIC makes about 3-4% of multiple ASNs
to the same organization out of 705 total assignments.
If seperate network = seperate global ASN, we can probably assume the %
will be similar for additional /32s and have a rough idea on if this
could be acceptable. The figure could grow if seperate networks don't
bind to global ASN.