[IANAxfer@apnic] Fwd: Draft Agenda for CRISP Team 10th Teleconference Re: [NRO-IANAXFER] Webex information CRISP Team 10th Teleconference Friday January 9th 2015 13:00 UTC
Dear Colleagues in the APNIC community,
FYI, the time zone for CRISP Team 10th Teleconference Friday January 9th
2015 13:00 UTC
18:30 in Delhi
21:00 in Beijing and Singapore
22:00 in Tokyo
23:00 in Brisbane
02:00 in Auckland (next day)
Anyone can join as an observer, as in all CRISP Team calls.
Please see the agenda and the inivitation from NRO Secretariat below for
details on how to join the call.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Draft Agenda for CRISP Team 10th Teleconference Re:
[NRO-IANAXFER] Webex information CRISP Team 10th Teleconference Friday
January 9th 2015 13:00 UTC
Date: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 19:32:37 +0900
From: Izumi Okutani <izumi@nic.ad.jp>
To: ianaxfer@nro.net
Dear Colleagues,
The draft agenda for CRISP Team 10th Teleconference Friday January 9th
2015 13:00 UTC is as below.
As usual, the call is open to observers.
1. Agenda Review
2. Actions Review
a. Minutes
b. Announcements to relevant stakeholders
3. Confirm pending issues
a. LACNIC region chart
b. Numbering scheme in Section III
c. Possibility of reformatting Section III
d. PDF of issues list
e. CRISP Website improvements
4. Confirm comments received
a. Each RIR region
b. Global list
5. CRISP Team position per issue
a. More details of dispute resolution
b. Reflect low input in RIR processes Section VI
c. Option of having NRO as an operator
d. Change in ICANN Bylaws for global PDP
e. SLA text is a must to approve the proposal
f. No of past arbitration cases: to backup the proposal
g. How to know whether arbitration works
h. Editorial comments (Link, LACNIC region coverage)
6. Preparation for the final draft
a. Who will take care of which section
b. Timeline of each preparation phase
c. Time to submit to ICG
d. Updating issues list
7. Next Meeting
a. Reconfirm schedule of future CRISP Calls
b. Date of the 11th Call
8. AOB
Best Regards,
Izumi Okutani
On 2015/01/08 18:21, German Valdez wrote:
> Hi
> Please find below webex information for the CRISP Team 10th Teleconference to be held on Friday January 9th 2015 at 13:00
> Regards
> German Valdez
> CRISP Team 10th Teleconference
> Friday, January 9, 2015
> 1:00 pm | UTC | 1 hr
> Join WebEx meeting <https://ripencc.webex.com/ripencc/j.php?MTID=mc4a4ca46dd9edc1f69852ffb3cea3533>
> Meeting number: 704 117 664
> Meeting password: crispteam
> Join by phone
> 0800-051-3810 Call-in toll-free number (UK)
> +44-203-478-5289 Call-in toll number (UK)
> Access code: 704 117 664
> Global call-in numbers <https://ripencc.webex.com/ripencc/globalcallin.php?serviceType=MC&ED=359013747&tollFree=1> | Toll-free calling restrictions <http://www.webex.com/pdf/tollfree_restrictions.pdf>
> _______________________________________________
> ianaxfer mailing list
> ianaxfer@nro.net
> https://www.nro.net/mailman/listinfo/ianaxfer