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Colleagues, Recently at the ARIN XV and RIPE 50 meetings there were discussions made in their meetings that I wish to share with the APNIC community. This is to change the HD ratio in IPv6 from 0.8 to 0.94 which also lead to discussion about the /48 assignment size to end sites and whether it could be made smaller Both topics have been generating "a lot of" discussions in amongst both the ARIN and RIPE communities If interested please read through postings archived in the ARIN ppml list at Under thread topics - Proposed policy: IPv6 HD ratio - IPv6 >> 32 In the RIPE community, mailing list discussions can be found in ml I look forward and hope to see comments from this community and to facilitate discussions here. Sincerely, Save -- Savenaca VOCEA | Policy Development Manager | APNIC Secretariat Email: | PO Box 2131 Milton QLD 4064 Phone: +61 7 3858 3107 | Australia Fax: +61 7 3858 3199 |