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[sig-policy] APNIC 26 - Call for policy proposals and informational presentations
________________________________________________________________________ APNIC 26 - Call for policy proposals and informational presentations ________________________________________________________________________ Dear colleagues This is a reminder that two deadlines are now approaching: Submissions for presentation ideas: 14 July 2008 Submissions for policy proposals: 21 July 2008 How to submit an idea for an informational presentation ------------------------------------------------------- You can submit informational presentations for both APOPS and SIG sessions: APOPS APOPS (Asia Pacific Operators Forum) showcases Internet operational content of wide interest to the Internet operations community. SIGs SIGs (Special Interest Groups) focus on a particular subject and provide an open public forum to discuss topics of interest to APNIC and the Internet community in the Asia Pacific region. To submit your idea, send a brief summary of your proposed presentation (two to four paragraphs) or a set of presentation slides to: <> How to submit a policy proposal ------------------------------- If you think there's something in APNIC's policies that really needs to change, submit your policy idea using one of the following options: 1. Use the online form at: 2. Send your proposal in TEXT format to: <> We encourage you to submit proposals well before the deadline. This gives the community more time to consider your proposal and gives you the opportunity to amend your proposal, if needed, based on the community's feedback. More information ---------------- To learn more about APNIC's policy development process and view current and past policy proposals, see: Learn more about APNIC 26 at: We look forward to seeing you in Christchurch! jian & randy
Activity Summary
- 6097 days inactive
- 6097 days old
- 1 participants