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Dear NIR SIG member APNIC is seeking a volunteer to serve as Co-Chair of the NIR SIG. The Co-Chair is a voluntary position whose responsibilities include: - Working with the Chair to encourage and facilitate discussion on the mailing list and at the APNIC meeting - Assisting with chairing the NIR SIG session - Working with the Chair to develop the NIR SIG agenda - Posting proposals and information about the NIR SIG to the NIR SIG mailing list For more information about the role, please see the SIG guidelines at: If you are interested in this position, please send an expression of interest, including a short biography in an email to <> and CC <>. The nomination deadline is Monday, 25 February 2008. If there are any volunteers, elections will be held at the NIR SIG meeting at APNIC 25 in Taipei, Taiwan, 25 - 29 February 2008 to choose a new Co-Chair. All SIG Chairs and Co-Chairs undertake this work on a voluntary basis. The APNIC Secretariat speaks on behalf of the community in saying we are very appreciative of the work done by the Chairs and Co-chairs. Regards Izumi Okutani, David Chen