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Dear all,
We are on the process to formalise having the PacNOG 15 in Port Vila, 14-18 July 2014.
In order to build a relevant and effective program, as usual we call out to you for your inputs for topics and high priority IP/ISP training needs that could be considered by the trainers and PacNOG Coordinating organisations
A number of areas continue to have popularity and provided for in past PacNOGs (as listed below) and without any pre-emption, feel free to provide and discuss your inputs, specifics and needs for consideration of the PacNOG 15 program and agenda:
(list of earlier topics covered in previous PacNOGs)
1. Basic routing and BGP
2. Advance routing and applications
3. Network Management and monitoring
4. Network & Systems Security
5. supplementary tracks on Network-IP Systems fundamentals
6. supplementary routing topics (IXP, etc)
Let us hear from you soon, and happy to discuss your interests
Fred Christopher
..for PacNOG Coordinating Committee