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[INNOG] Fwd: [pacnog] Lawful Intercept with OpenLI
FYI -Sunny -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [pacnog] Lawful Intercept with OpenLI Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2020 10:49:28 +1300 From: Shane Alcock <> To: Hi all, My name is Shane Alcock and I am a research programmer with the WAND Network Research Group at the University of Waikato in New Zealand. Over the past three years, we have been working with network operators in New Zealand to develop an open-source software implementation of the ETSI standards for Lawful Interception, giving operators a viable low-cost alternative for meeting their government-mandated lawful interception obligations. This project, OpenLI, has been very successful and there are now a number of operators in New Zealand who are using our system in production. You can read more about the OpenLI project at <> Recently, we were awarded funding from ISIF Asia to perform any work necessary to ensure that OpenLI is a suitable option for operators in other countries within the Asia Pacific region. This work will require us to collaborate with operators, with the aim of delivering successful OpenLI deployments that satisfy the Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) in the countries where those operators are running their networks. The funding will allow us to dedicate developer resources to assist with those deployments: either by writing code to add new features, training operators in the use of OpenLI or providing support and troubleshooting assistance. If there are any operators on this list who are interested in OpenLI and would like our assistance to attempt an OpenLI deployment on your network, please contact me off-list for more information. Thanks, Shane
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