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[GIS-PacNet] GISCI practice exam [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
The GIS Certification Institute (GISCI) in the USA awards the GIS Professional (GISP) professional certification.
The Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI) has the same professional certification function in Australia.
The GISP certification used to only require a paper-based submission including referee reports, qualifications, experience, and evidence of participation in the industry. Now there is an examination as well.
The GISP exam has been heavily criticised for being both too generic and too specific (GIS is an extremely diverse field), and not very good (spelling/grammar/formatting errors).
Now you can see it for yourself.
Here is a practice exam:'s/Practice%20Exam%201%20Mod%207_31_17.pdf
Good luck.
Jonah Sullivan | Geospatial Analyst
Maritime Jurisdiction Advice
National Location Information Branch
t +61 2 6249 9516
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