Kindly circulate this opportunity to GIS-PacNet; may be of interest to listserv subscribers.
GSDI Small Grants Program 2017 Call for Proposals - Submission due date extended to 8 June - Hurry!
The GSDI Association has been making Small Grants Program awards since 2003 – GSDI's longest running project. The cash grants are for US$ 2,500. Although this is not a large amount of money, in emerging nations and developing economy SDI’s, it can go a long way toward spatial data infrastructure (SDI) preparedness, awareness raising, for building some component of an SDI or to add to SDI sustainability. It may also help to engage other organizations in collaboration and additional co-funding for large projects. Since 2003, more than 100 grants have been made by the Association.
Applications for the 2017 program are due not later than 8 June 2017.