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[apnic-talk] [Apnic-announce] APNIC 20 update #7
[Apologies for duplicates] APNIC 20 update #7 ______________________________ 20th APNIC Open Policy Meeting 6-9 September 2005 Hanoi, Vietnam ______________________________ Dear APNIC members and friends, There are now only three weeks to go until the APNIC 20 meeting in Hanoi. This is an update announcement with reminders of some important dates and events. Contents -------- 1. Meeting programme 2. IPv6 workshop 3. Pre-conference routing workshop 4. Helpdesk 5. Hostmaster consultations 6. Cutoff date extended for Melia Hanoi Hotel reduced rate reservations 1. Meeting programme -------------------- Details of all APNIC 20 meeting sessions, policy proposals, and other presentations can be accessed at: ? 2. IPv6 workshop ---------------- Places are still available for the full day IPv6 workshop being run by Jordi Palet (Consulintel). Date: Tuesday 6 September 2005 Details are available at: ?? 3. Pre-conference routing workshop ---------------------------------- Places are still available for the six-day, pre-conference routing workshop run by Philip Smith (Cisco) and Amante Alvaran (APNIC training team). Date: Tuesday 30 August - Monday 5 September 2005 (no sessions on the national holiday, Friday 2 September) Details are available at: ?? 4. Helpdesk ----------- Delegates are invited to visit the APNIC Helpdesk to learn more about APNIC member services and MyAPNIC, or to request a digital certificate from the APNIC Certification Authority. 5. Hostmaster consultations --------------------------- Members will be able to meet with APNIC hostmasters during the meeting to discuss resource requests and registration issues. A schedule of the available consultation sessions and the online registration form will become available shortly on the Onsite Notice Board. If you are interested in learning more about Hostmaster consultations, details are available at: ?? 6. Cutoff date extended for Melia Hanoi Hotel reduced rate reservations ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Melia Hanoi Hotel have kindly offered to extend their reduced rate reservation period from 15 August till 19 August. If you are planning to stay at the hotel please visit: ?? If you have any questions or suggestions about APNIC 20, please email the APNIC Secretariat at <> We look forward to seeing you in Hanoi. Best regards, ______________________________________________________________________ APNIC Secretariat Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC) Tel: +61-7-3858-3100 PO Box 2131 Milton, QLD 4064 Australia Fax: +61-7-3858-3199 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- See you at APNIC 20! Hanoi, Vietnam, 6-9 September 2005 ______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Apnic-announce mailing list
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