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[Apnic-announce] APNIC 20 update #3
[Apologies for duplicates] APNIC 20 update #3 ______________________________ 20th APNIC Open Policy Meeting 6-9 September 2005 Hanoi, Vietnam ______________________________ Dear APNIC members and friends, It is our pleasure to invite you to attend APNIC's 20th Open Policy Meeting. The meeting is open to anyone with an interest in the Internet in the Asia Pacific region. It will be hosted by VNNIC (Vietnam Network Information Centre) at the Melia Hanoi Hotel, Hanoi, Vietnam, from 6-9 September 2005. Contents -------- 1. Meeting registration 2. Meeting programme 3. Call for proposals 4. NRO NC nomination 5. Meeting sponsorship 6. Accommodation 7. Visa information 1. Meeting registration ----------------------- Registration is now open. To take advantage of early bird discount, please register by Friday 22 July 2005. The online registration form is available at: 2. Meeting programme -------------------- APNIC meetings are a major forum for discussing technology and policy issues relevant to the Asia Pacific Internet community. The programme will include tutorials, Special Interest Groups (SIGs), Birds of a Feather sessions (BoFs), hostmaster consultations, the APNIC Member Meeting (AMM), and social events. A draft programme is available at: A draft agenda for the AMM on Friday 9 September 2005 is also available at: 3. Call for proposals --------------------- The SIGs are open fora at APNIC Open Policy Meetings during which technical, policy, and operational issues relating to the management of Internet resources within the Asia Pacific region are discussed. Proposals are welcome from anyone who would like to take part in any of the SIGs. Detailed information is available at: 4. NRO NC nomination -------------------- A seat for an Asia Pacific representative on the NRO Number Council will become vacant as of 31 December 2005. An open call for nominations has gone out for individuals from the Asia Pacific region to fill the position for the next two years. To make a nomination, please fill out the form available at: 5. Meeting sponsorship ---------------------- Some sponsorship opportunities are still available. In return for their support, sponsors will be presented with valuable opportunities to expose their organisations, products, and services to an international audience of Internet leaders. Details of sponsorship options are available in the sponsorship package at: Prospective sponsors are encouraged to send expressions of interest as soon as possible to the APNIC Secretariat at <>. 6. Accommodation ---------------- APNIC has arranged block hotel bookings, providing special discount rates for meeting delegates at Melia Hanoi. Please make reservations before 22 July 2005 to avoid disappointment. After 22 July 2005, rooms are subject to availability and normal rates will apply. All enquiries about hotel reservations should be made directly to the hotels. The accommodation information and reservation form are available at: 7. Visa information ------------------- Many people will require a visa to enter Vietnam. To request a letter of invitation, please send an email to <>. Further details are available at: If you have any questions or suggestions about APNIC 20, please email us at <> We look forward to seeing you in Hanoi. Best regards, ______________________________________________________________________ APNIC Secretariat Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC) Tel: +61-7-3858-3100 PO Box 2131 Milton, QLD 4064 Australia Fax: +61-7-3858-3199 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- See you at APNIC 20! Hanoi, Vietnam, 6-9 September 2005 ______________________________________________________________________
Activity Summary
- 7197 days inactive
- 7197 days old
- 1 participants